New Boatshed Sussex agents based in Sovereign Harbour
Based in Sovereign Harbour, John & Barbara Spittal are the newly recruited Boatshed Agents for Boatshed Sussex. Other harbours in the area include Rye, Seaford, Newhaven, Brighton and Shoreham.
John and Barbara are ‘sort of semi retired’ having opted out of busy IT careers for a more gentle lifestyle. Sailing interest developed in the early nineties when they acquired an ageing Westerly (Lucida) and after a few years learning the ropes in the Solent, managed to escape occasionally to sail across the channel to France, the West Country and the Channel Islands. After opting out of the rat race, John and Barbara moved to Oban on the North West coast of Scotland with a newer model (of boat), a Bavaria 36 (Kara), found after many hours of searching the used boats for sale market on the web. There followed a number of years sailing around the Western Isles and during this period they visited Skye, Islay, Muck, Rum, Eigg, Arran, Jura, Colonsay, Mull, Coll and Tiree as well as many other beautiful anchorages on the Scottish mainland. “This is the most fantastic sailing area in the world, by the way”. Also interspersed during the last few years are John’s yacht delivery trips to Sweden, France, Ireland, Guernsey and Scotland.
They left Scotland last June and sailed south to Eastbourne. Not the best of summers for this trip but, Barbara’s careful log assures us that 1267 miles were sailed before arrival in Sovereign harbour in September. A long, leisurely trip you may think, but most of the time we were really sheltering from the appalling weather!!
Kara has been sold and John and Barbara became aware of the opportunity with Boatshed Sussex a few months ago while searching online brokerage sites for a second hand motor boat. After a meeting with Peter Watt they decided to ‘sign-up’ as agents for Boatshed Sussex. With an increasing number of boats for sale in Peter’s area – help is required. “It’s been an interesting time learning about the business. We are surprised by how busy the brokerage is. Despite the recession and general gloomy economic outlook, there are obviously still many buyers looking for used motor boats and yachts in the market and the Boatshed brand is clearly well known and respected. We are looking forward to working with Peter and his Boatshed Sussex team”.
Sovereign Harbour