BWML (British Waterways Marinas) and Boatshed
We are delighted to announce our new relationship with BWML. BWML is part of the UK’s Canal & River Trust (formally, British Waterways) a national charity whose primary role is the custodian and navigation authority for around 2,000 miles of canals and rivers across England and Wales. Boatshed is now the exclusive external broker in most of BWML’s 20 locations, available to assist our customers with the sale and purchase of Narrowboats and other inland waterway vessels. Our brokers in these locations are experts in these specialist craft and familiar with the unique pleasures of inland boating.
If you are interested in inland boating, please read this article or contact Phil Bassett, the Grand Union Boatshed broker. Phil spends most of his time involved with inland vessels and is extremely knowledgeable in this area.
For more information about selling or buying a boat berthed at a BWML marina, please contact the local Boatshed broker in the area.